Monday, October 30, 2006


HELLO!!! HALLOWEEN WAS FUN! whee... gosh. it's just like overseas at cedaer woods. so fun! i was a dead cow girl. so funny. will post up the pictures at a later date. had sooo much fun. kheng may was a gothic princess, wei jean a dead cheerleader and sling a dead school girl. Nigel cross dressed! he wore my skirt and we tied his shirt so it was above his tummy. basically, he was bearing his tummy to the whole world! well.. we saw some hot chicks too and some cosplay people. so cute. haha. had loads of fun asking for treats. no tricks at all. geez. anyway, i'm gonna get fat!!! we were like shouting all the while. the loudest!!! so happy. i hope to do this next year again!!!

that's all!

*hugs and kisses*

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