Thursday, November 15, 2007

wheee.. recently there is soooo much commotion going on between Jteam and Mediacorp... well... i think some comments shouldn't be made as it will offend tonnes of people. yup! that's all from me.

i am still sick! coughing for 2 weeks already! gosh... can't believe it man. weeee! i am longing for christmas! anyway. shall post the prezzie i did for darling soon. after he has seen it and worn it.... that's all! tada....


Anonymous said...

Speaking of comments, we all just wanna say you're a pretty decent actress, till you mention signing on in the commandos? Publicity stunt? Well you should get your facts right before saying something of this nature to the press, makes you look bad and pretty ridiculous/dumb, and makes Commandos look like a poser organisation, then again nothing personal.


Anonymous said...

hi there... thanks for ur comment. well, it isn't a publicity stunt. seriously. i have thought of signing on with the army or even police force. it's something i would love to be able to do. i would love to serve the nation and go to the army if possible. i would say that i did not make Commandos look like a poser organisation. instead, i think that women should also participate more actively in this male dominated area. i hope i answered ur comment.